Tips to Ready Your Pipes for the Winter

Winter can be really stressful because of the amount of preparations that you need to implement. And despite being prepared, you might even forget to think about the pipe system in your home. Making your pipes ready for winter is a necessary move, but you need to be careful in getting started.

Here are some pipe preparation strategies that you can always count on:

Test All of Your Faucets

Once the temperature has started dropping, you should test all of your faucets by turning them on and letting the water flow. This will minimize the chances of your pipes bursting due to the cold temperature. Always pick the faucet that’s farthest away from your central plumbing network. Additionally, you should also check if the faucets are 100% functional and not damaged. One damaged faucet can unhinge this strategy and compromise your pipes.

Insulate the Pipes

If you have the time and money, you can also try insulating the pipes within your home. Pipe insulation will regulate temperature and ensure that your pipes won’t be damaged during winter. Nowadays, the best type of insulating material is rubber. Still, if you’re uncertain with pipe insulation, you can always contact an expert plumber to help you out.

Pipe-Drain As Much As You Can

Before winter, it’s always a good strategy to drain all the water out from your pipes. First, turn off the main water supply of your home and turn on all faucets. Let the water drain out until the faucets don’t release a single drop anymore. As a bonus, you can build a heating system which will keep the temperature balanced in your home. Pipe draining is an effective strategy especially if you have to leave your home for a long time.

Warm Air In, Cold Air Out

A common method to reduce the chances of pipe freezing is letting warm air in. This is really simple. You just need to open your cabinet doors and bathroom doors to let the warm air flow freely. Since pipes are hidden from view, you need to prioritize cabinets that are near the central plumbing network. Check the basement as well, if your home has one.

Find and Fix All Leaks (Carefully)

Leaks will continue to damage your winter-compromised plumbing system if you don’t take action immediately. Once you’ve drained water from your pipes, you can attempt to find leaks and fix them. To do this, you need to have the appropriate set of tools and a little bit of technical knowledge. Thanks to Youtube, you can watch live videos of pipe leak repairs and maintenance. Make sure that your home’s electric supply is turned off before attempting any pipe repair to avoid unwanted shocks.

Final Thoughts

Going easy on winter is a big blunder, especially when your pipes are concerned. In fact, it’s better to follow all of the strategies above rather than spend time and money fixing your pipes. So, before winter hits your area, set a schedule and start applying the discussed strategies to keep your pipes as safe as they can be! If emergency problems do arise with your pipes, you can always call in a plumbing contractor to come fix your pipes.

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