Hiring a Commercial Plumber

A commercial plumber is not the same as a residential one, and you shouldn’t expect the same things from them. While a plumber could do both, if you specifically have commercial-based needs then you will want to find a plumber who specializes in commercial plumbing services. Here are some things to consider when hiring a commercial plumber.


It might seem obvious but don’t hire a commercial plumber who doesn’t have any commercial experience. The fixtures and processes for commercial plumbing are much different than what is found in residential plumbing so make sure when reviewing potential plumbers they have experience in commercial plumbing.

A plumber that does both repairs and installations

Within commercial plumbing what seems like a simple repair might actually turn into a major replacement, and you will feel more comfortable with a plumber who can handle both of those things regardless of what comes up. There would be nothing worse than calling in a plumber only to have that plumber say they can’t do the job and need to call in someone else.

24 Hour and Emergency Service Available

Many businesses are open and running all the time, and they require their equipment to be as well. If you are running a business it is really important that you have service providers you can call at all hours whenever an emergency happens.

They can handle your needs

Depending on the size of your company you will want to make sure the plumber you hire has the capacity to handle whatever needs you may have. A professional plumbing company will be able to tell you what kind of service coverage they can provide you to meet the needs of your company.

They will provide timely service

There will be companies that can provide you with service, but how long will it take for them to get there? When you run a business and something goes wrong you are losing money. Plumber Scarborough understands that you need to get your business back up and running, so any issues will delay your ability to do that. When looking to hire a commercial plumber within the GTA make sure you are aware of their service level agreements and what to expect when you need them to make a service call.

They are insured and licensed

The province of Ontario requires plumbers to be licensed to prove they have the right amount of formal training hours and are aware of the processes required. They also have the knowledge to provide you with proper service that is up to code. If they are insured it means you are not liable for any injuries they may get while on site. A reputable company will be able to provide you with insurance that is current.

Hiring a professional commercial plumber isn’t always easy but by researching options within the Greater Toronto Area you will be able to compare services offered and ensure you are getting exactly what suits your needs best. Plumber Scarborough is happy to provide you with your commercial plumbing needs and stands behind their work so you have piece of mind knowing the job will be done right the first time, by professional plumbers.

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